Monday, June 30, 2008

Hate to do it, but...

I plan on complaining. I know, I know, I said I wouldn't. In previous posts I said I would just "state the facts or the obvious"...but today: I complain. I promised to be honest and "keep it real" for other moms or would be moms who read my blog, and in order to do that I have to post the good and the bad. I had my 2nd prenatal visit with OB1 last Thursday (6/26, which happened to be the last day of school - NO COMPLAINTS THERE!!!). Anyway, it seems I have lost ALL the weight I had gained which was only a measly 5 pounds. OB1 says he's not worried now but if in the next few weeks I still don't gain any weight then he'll address the issue. But I'M worried. By now I should have gained 13 1/2 pounds, one pound per week pregnant. I weigh exactly what I weighed at my first appointment at RS of NY (the fertility office) back in February. Most people think: "That's wonderful, you're so lucky, you should be happy"...but I can't help but worry that I'm not getting enough to the baby. This all afternoon and nighttime sickness is what's doing it, not to mention the few things that should help with nausea don't. Gingerale - YUCK. Crackers - ILL. Tea - NASTY. At night I spend most evenings either sitting up spitting in a cup, doing that weird cough/huffing thing, or just plain moaning. And the part that really sucks ass is that I'm hungry every 2 hours. EVERY 2 HOURS!! But half the time can't eat or have to force myself. I've tried Pepsid AC - doesn't work. I brush my teeth at least 6 times a day now or I'm spritzing my mouth with Listerine, that helps just minimally. I'm 13 1/2 weeks now and I'm really and truly praying that this first trimester nausea will be a thing of the past sooner than later. It will be a long 6-7 months if it doesn't lay off. Plus IT'S HOT!!! I can't drink enough ice water or ices, that helps a lot, but it's not food or nutrients. I can only hope the prenatal vitamins will give the baby what I can't seem to eat. You know??!


Christine said...

no worries! your placenta is providing everything it can take from your body.

i know this might not help, but my MFM gave me nexium for the heartburn if it was to become more than i could handle....

i hope you find a good medium both with the heat and staying hydrated and full!

Anonymous said...

If your dr isn't worried about the weight gain then you should be good...remember I only gained 6lbs with the TWINS and they never worried so long as they were moving and growing. They both came out over 5lbs.