On the happier side, Lincoln is officially the size of an average newborn. 9lbs 4ozs 20ins!! See him on the scale at the doctor's office:
The appointment was bittersweet. Lincoln was super active, following Dr. G around the room, holding his hand while he was being examined, cooing and smiling....until it was shot time. Man, when he got the shots (one in each thigh) he looked at me as if to ask, "Mama, how could you let the bad man hurt me?" His bottom lip was out so far, I thought it would stick there. I just kept saying, "Mommy's sorry" over and over. Of course, the minute I gave him some boob juice in the waiting room on the way out, all was forgiven. I got smiles and my "HI!"
I had to cancel my postpartum appointment for the 2nd time b/c I still have my period after a week and a half (will be 2 weeks tomorrow - GOSH!!)
Then on Thursday, I'm meeting with the priest at our church to discuss Lincoln's baptism...will post details, of course!
Now, I'm going to rush to eat some lunch before my little walnut wakes up (my aunt says he graduated from peanut)...and I lost his binky after burning the first one so he will not be happy when he wakes up and it's not there!! ;-)
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