There were some rules and I had to create a super hero, here is my winning entry:
Wow! I would have to be "Momulous" and my power would be to check attitudes at the door. Any adolescent, tween, or teen to try to pop an attitude with me would be hit with the "DMWMS" (Don't Mess Wit Me Stick). It would have the power to make the young ones say things like "please and thank you". Messy rooms would cease to exist. Sucking of teeth would be decimated. Sighs of frustration would turn in to exhalations of "can I help you" joy!
Momulous - Watch for her! She ain't scared of no kids!!
Momulous - Watch for her! She ain't scared of no kids!!
Corny, I know, but, hey, the kids are too happy!! (And that little noise maker, Linky really loves that one, MMWH! smh)

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