Friday, April 11, 2008

I'm not alone!!!

One of the hardest things about this process is that no one truly understands what it's like to not be able to conceive on your own. People take it for granted that it's a natural occurence that all women can do. Unfortunately, that is not the case. I found out on Wednesday, simply by God's grace, I think, that there are two people in my life that are dealing with this same complex issue of conception. I say by God's grace because this week I decided to include them in my process, and in return I found out that they two have been dealing with this secret. I'm not alone! I know have two women close enough to me that I can vent, cry, question, or simply listen to who understand, and I mean, really understand what I'm going through. I feel blessed and it just confirms that everything happens for a reason.

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