I am no longer a patient of RS of NY!! I graduated yesterday and will now be going to see the next specialist for the pre-term labor & high riskedness. Not that I am happy about that, I was pretty spoiled over there. Especially now that I'm preggers, I'm definitely going to miss the weekly sonograms and the awesome kindness of the doctors, nurses and receptionists! I can only hope that with the MFM (Maternal Fetal Medicine) doctor I'll get the same great treatment. My doctor was so happy for me and I had to pledge an oath before she would release me. Basically, she had me promise to send pictures, visit, and most importantly should I make it to my January 1St due date and deliver the first baby of the New Year, I must give her a shout on the 10 o'clock news. LOL! Can you imagine? This baby being the first of the new year? Completely surreal if that happened! The baby is now 17 cm and the heartbeat was 178...it was so unbelievably fast compared to last weeks 135. At first I thought it was my nervous heart beating. It's as if the peanut had just run the NY triathalon or something. Plus, now the peanut is starting to resemble a baby. It's got arms & legs sprouting and the head & spine were more pronounced. Of course, you won't be able to tell that from the sono. 

And where would all this baby talk be if I didn't talk about my first baby? Today is her birthday, and I can't believe she's eight already. She spent the entire day with me at work (which she loves and so do my students) since LI schools got an extra unused snow day (lucky bastards!). She got showered with hugs, candy, and even some presents from one of my students that she absolutely adores. One kid even gave her $5, and told her, "Tell your mom it's for your birthday so she'll give me extra credit." Can you believe that? And he's one of my failing seniors! The nerve...I told her she had to give it back of course. After a "fun-filled" day at work, we went over to my aunt's house where she had a surprise for DD. We hopped back in the car for a drive over to the Matty Toy Store, where she was given the option of picking out what ever she wanted. Her choices? A bat Littlest Pet Shop, a Webkin, and a Babysitter Pixelchix. She is still in her glory. But the fun isn't over. Shortly after arriving home, my mother came over to bring her favorite cousin to have a Bday sleepover. Yay! (no hint of sarcasm...as the only reason I'm still awake is b/c they're still awake). The final piece of the birthday puzzle is tomorrow. At a the crack of dawn my best friend is dropping off her 2 daughters before she goes to work. Then at about 11, Nana will arrive to follow us to the surprise destination...drumroll please...LIBBY LU'S!!!! My DD has been dying to go there for about 3 years, and since this will be her last birthday without her baby brother or sister, I figured she had to have this with her little hommies. My Bffl will be doing a surprise appearance to bring her a theme inspired gift. After that we go out for lunch wherever bday girl wants to go (within reason, duh), and then back to the house for a red velvet birthday cake made by scratch from her Nana. Phew! Can you say COMA for me tomorrow night??
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