I had my first "official" sonogram this morning. I say official because on Friday morning I went in for some light spotting and mild cramping on the right side. I found out my right ovary is still enlarged from all of the stimming (as of this morning still growing) and the doctor said this is normal. The ovary will continue to grow and be stimulated until about the 9th week of pregnancy. Ok, back to this being a wonderful day. First off, it is positively gorgeous outside, the sun is shining, birds are chirping, and the flowers are in full bloom. I had my usual crack of dawn, 6:30am, appointment today for blood and sonogram. I did blood first and then had to wait to do the sono. The office was packed as it usually is on a Monday. I was so nervous sitting there, even though on Friday I got to see the gestational sac, today was to see if there was anything in the sac....THERE WAS!!! Inside the gestational sac is my yolk sac which holds my tiney tiny baby! I was told to come back on Friday so that they can try to hear the heartbeat, can you believe that, already?! Plus, the doctor told me that my levels are doing so well that he sees no reason why I can't switch to the progesterone suppositories since my levels are doing so well. NO MORE SHOTS after Friday!! Then, my appointment for Friday is at 10am so DH can meet me there, I am too tickled for words!! And the best part of the appointment?? I got my first picture!! See!!

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