ISN'T HE OR SHE BEAUTIFUL??!!! What a nerve racking and exciting appointment today was. First we had the genetic counseling, where we sat in a conference room with 2 other moms-to-be and the genetic counselor. Everything she had to tell us I'd already heard from the MFM and from OB1, so basically it was just for DH to hear first hand. When it came time for questions one of the women kinda flipped out a little, her question was, "Why do they make us do this, other than to scared the crap out of us??!!" We all laughed but then there was a split second of shared eye contact with the three of us preggers...because shit if it ain't scary to be told you have a 1 in 387 chance of having a baby with Down Syndrome. After that we went down to the lab for the bloodwork and ultrasound but there was an hour time gap between the 2 appointments, so DH and I went for a stroll outside and had lunch. It was so nice to just sit on a bench and talk...I love my husband, truly I do, and he's been so wonderful during this process (so far LOL)...Anyhoo, we went back in for our 1pm. The technician almost had to get slapped though. Once we were in the examination room I reminded her that I had cervical length check added to the appointment, she said, "Well, I'm not doing it because the director said you don't need it". First of all, who the hell is the director, second, the director doesn't know me or my history, and third, how dare this director defy what my OB1 ordered. I tired as politely as possible to give her my script and tell her she was going to check my cervix due to my preterm labor history. She sighed, told to strip from the waist down and she'd be right back. Of course she did it...but Ugh, what a mess she made with the sonogram gel, she squirted that stuff all the way down my stuff...I think to pay me back. Whatever! The rest of the sonogram was amazing though, the baby was moving all around. Arms and legs wiggling all over, heartbeat just pumping away, hand in mouth, standing upright on my cervix...it really is incredible what modern science can do. DH was so tickled, he was transfixed to the screen.
After that the MFM came in for literally 2 seconds to tell me the baby is doing well, cervix looks good, and the nuchal node is measuring normal!! (Hopefully that will satisfy OB1 and he won't force an amnio!) Then it was off to bloodwork where the sweet phlebotomist butchered my left arm trying to get a vein. Ouch, still bleeding too!
I have several appointments coming up:
7/02 - 2nd Cervical length check
7/15 - Bloodwork
8/11 - Part II of the Integrated test/Sex of baby
What's funny is that each appointment is significant, on 7/02 my cousin is getting married in the afternoon, 7/15 is the day before we leave for Florida, and 8/11 is the day before my birthday...how cool to know the sex of the baby for my bday!!
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