Thursday, March 13, 2008

Stinky side effect to Necon

Ok, so I tried to see if any of the other IVFers on my message board have had this horrible side effect, but alas it must be just me. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I have IBS (seriously I feel like I'm going to fail the final with all of these acronyms!!) Anyway, maybe because I suffer from this stank illness this could be the reason for my offensive flatulence. Yes! Gas! Farts! Burn a hole in your irises stankiness! I even offend the damn dog, she was playing with me when one slipped and I swear she looked at me as if to say, "Damn, what the hell died in your ass?!" and then she, the dog, walked away all pissed off and laid in her bed staring at me like "don't even think about coming over here!"
I'm a girl! A lady! A woman of a certain age (34)...and I am offending my dog with gas. How horrible is that? I tell you, when I finally, yes, finally, get preggers and my next bundle of joy is old enough I can't wait to share all of these great war stories with him or her (or them if we end up with twins). Gosh, twins! You know what I learned yesterday at the embryology class that I can't believe I forgot: Even though the fertilized egg will divide several times prior to Egg Transfer, it (or them depending on how many the RS implants) can still divide again which is how people end up with twins or quads. Can you just imagaine?!

Oh, yeah, and speaking of twins, you know that woman on Long Island that delivered historical identical triplets...well, guess what? She was one of my doctor's patients!! I KNOW!!!!

Read all about it:,0,375026.story

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