Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Hump Day!!

I've been trying to adopt this "No Negativity" attitude to alleviate any potential threats of stress, but it doesn't seem be working when I comes to work. My students, not all, but a few, are under this misconception that by stating "No negativity" I must hate my job or am in the wrong career. Even on my worst day ever, where kids tell me to screw myself or I get cursed out by a parent, I still love my job. I love what I do, I may not love everybody, but I love what I do. I'm honestly one of those teachers that actually gives a s%&@ about her students. Anyway I say all of this to say that despite my best efforts I will need to step up my no-nonsense-no-negativity game. I'm learning to laugh out loud a lot about things I would normally chuckle to myself internally...this is not going over to well. People who are negative on a consistent basis and are the types to try to bring you down with them, don't really like a person like me. But that's fine. I figure one day, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not even this year, but one day I will be able to spread my positivity on to some of those negative nancies of the world. I have a handful of students who have sort of figured things out and are catching the "No Negativity Fever" and it is an absolute joy when one of my students says, "Hey, didn't you hear? We're not tolerating negativity any more!!" Out of the mouths of babes!

P.S. I'm on day 3 past knew I couldn't refrain from throwing that in!!

1 comment:

Tamika Jackson said...

No negativity Amen.

I love your prayer for fertility; I hope you don't mind if I use it.

Best wishes to your and your hubbie on this journey to conception.