I was supposed to be chilling by the poolside at my mother's townhouse or my uncle's house eating my codfish pie, but alas my tempermental cervix had plans of it's own. As you know, I had a million doctor's appointment set for Tuesday (7/15)...I had my bi-weekly cervix check at 9:30am, then a 12:30 appt with a cardiologist for palpatations, then a 2:15 appt for a breast sonogram (some pain in the right boob). My mom had some issues with her car and was supposed to have my daughter, we were going to meet up somehow during my second appointment for her to pick her up...b/c a day full of doctor's appointments is no way to spend a summer day for an 8 year old. Well, did my daughter get the ride of her life with me on Tuesday.
We get to the first appointment on time and it was empty, they saw me quickly to do my bloodwork and then called me shortly after for the cervical length check. (mind you we always knew this would be the determining appointment). I empty my bladder and we go into the sonogram room. The tech comes in and starts doing her thing. I notice her face is really serious when she was so friendly at my previous appointment. I look at the monitor and ask, "Is that my cervix? How's it looking?" She says, "You really want to know? Not good. An average cervix measure 2.0 or higher, you're measuring at 1.5. You're probably going to the emergency room, I'll be right back." And she leaves me there with my 8 year old to put on a bright smile and act like I'm not freaking out inside. Instead of the sono-tech coming back in the room a doctor comes in with a typed order, tells me to get dressed and he'll meet me at the front desk to explain. I'm out of the room in less than a minute. He tells me he's spoken with the Labor & Delivery dept over at the hospital and they want me to register with the emergency room first and give them my orders with a note to my MFM who is over there right now. Now the hospital is literally a block away and DD and I walk over to the ER.
Once in the ER, I get registered, am given a bed, and give them my written orders from the MFM's office. They come back in 10 minutes tell me to get dressed a go over to L&D (labor and delivery). OK. I do as I'm told, but when I get there they say there's been a mistake and my MFM wants me back in the ER. I have a mini-fit and happen to see my MFM doctor and ask her myself. The problem? I'm only 16 weeks. A woman can not be admitted to L&D until they are at least 20 weeks. So by going through the ER I'd then end up in the High Risk Wing where I belong. OK. I do as I'm told. After getting redressed in my gown at the same bed, a ultrasound tech, my MFM, and her resident comes to take me away for an amniocentisis. WTF??!!! Again, I have my DD with me and am working really hard not to freak out. Once we get to the US room, the resident keeps my DD occupied for me while the doctor and tech explain what's happening. Here goes: My cervix is opening and they need to perform a cerclage to close it. The reason for the amnio is that they will not perform the cerclage if there is an infection causing the opening. Worst case scenario, there is an infection and I would have to deliver the baby right away!!! I lose it, thank God the resident had my DD occupied b/c I was out it after that. Best case, there is no infection and they will be able to do the cerclage. They swabbed up my belly, put my hands above my head and began. It was they most painful thing I've experienced in a long while. I could feel every inch of the needle. I refused to look at the screen for fear of seeing my baby in danger, since the MFM kept saying, "We'd be done except that you have a very active baby". Normally, that would make me feel good. I'm a hysterical mess by the time it's over, and just when I get myself together, hubby walks in and I start blubbering all over again. I kept saying, "You've got to get her out of here, I can't fake it anymore." You know how I originally didn't like my MFM, well, she was great and she fell in love with my DD. She was so nice and compassionate, I was blissfully shocked. After that, I was wheeled into my room with a view where I stayed for 3 days. I was told I had to wait for the results of the amnio which would take several hours as they send it out. I arrived at the hospital at 11:30 and the results were in at about 6:30pm. I was scheduled on standby for the cerclage on Wednesday at 1pm (the day we were due to leave for Florida). My mom came and scooped up my daughter, went home and canceled just me and hubby's fllights. As she was still deciding if she was going to take my daughter.
I was on full bedrest at that poing on Wednesday (7/16), hubby brought me toiletries from home, and I was only able to wash up in bed and commode was right by the bedside. EEssh!! At 10am, my MFM came and promised to try to get me in before 1pm since they put me on no food from midnight the night before. At 11am, they came to get me. I was wheeled down to pre-op and told the finer points of a spinal and description of what was going to happen in the operating room. In a nutshell, spinal in the lower spine, get me in stirrups, hoist me up, and stitch me up. Once in the operating room, I began to cry during the spinal not so much b/c it hurt (which it did, like FIRE) but more so b/c I was worried about the baby. Everyone in the operating room tried really hard to keep my spirits up, mostly talking about how wonderful my daughter is, and how beautiful my skin is, I bet they say that to all high risk patients. When she was done, my MFM came around the curtain and I swear she gave me my daughter's smile...cheezin from ear-to-ear, she said, "You did beautifully and we got you all stitched up, I'll see you tomorrow for another cervical length check." I felt so much better after she did that. I went directly to post-op where I made the decision to never have an epidural!! I hated not being able to feel my legs or extremities for almost 6 hours after the procedure. I had no control and I did not like the feeling at all to not be able to move my legs, feet, or toes. I felt paralyzed. I told my hubby to make sure to remind me of this feeling when I go into labor and that I'd rather scream for a few hours, especially since I will have all kinds of drugs in my system up until then to keep the baby inside.
Thursday (7/17), I waited almost all day for them to examine me again, my MFM team came by and one of the associates had a fit that I hadn't been seen yet. Within 15 minutes they were there to take me to be examined. That was about 2pm. After that I still had to wait for the doctor to get the exam results. At about 6pm one of the MFM associates and the hospital attending came in with the verdict. They were able to take my 1.5 cervix pre-op to 2.8 post-op - YIPPIE!! The catch: MANDATORY BEDREST with shower and recliner privileges. With that they sent me home. And here I am with 5-6 months left of this pregnancy!!
You poor thing. Just keep resting for your baby. It really does go by fast. Have they given you a goal week yet? Mine was 28 weeks.
Keep hope. Staci
No goal week set yet. I suppose I'll find out next week. Thanks for the support. =)
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